The Eclectic GInger

Are you following bloggers that show unrealistic expectations you can't possibly meet?

Welcome to EG - A perfect place for the Eclectic

Have you followed a blogger or influencer that you just feel bad about yourself after reading or seeing their pictures? Not because they are necessarily a bad person, or have said something to make you feel bad about yourself. No, it is because their life looks so perfect! From the images to the posts all you see is perfection.

Trying to live up to those expectations must be exhausting. Scratch that... for the majority of us, downright unrealistic.

Life is messy and that is what makes it beautiful!

Let's get out of that need to be perfect 100% of the time. Don't get me wrong, it is OK to strive for perfection in certain aspects of your life, but realistically perfection doesn't always happen, and that is OK, too.


Here's where I come in

I am far, far from perfect. I am

  • Lazy... the sloth is my spirit animal
  • Could stand a workout (does 1 in the last 3 years count?)
  • Indecisive (or in this case, eclectic... see what I did there?)
  • I like to tell a well-rounded story and by well-rounded I mean, SQURILL!
  • I'm pretty OCD but only in how I like my knives in their block, and not in the clean sense
  • I could keep going, but you see what I mean...

But like everyone has their faults we also have our positives and that is what I am here to focus on. How we as women can stop focusing on the negative and focus on the positives. Everyone has less than perfect moments. Some are on display while others are private. We don't need social media showing us the perfect images with the most beautiful people living their best lives, because let's be realistic, they also have less than perfect moments, they just don't talk about them.

This is all very nice dear, but who are you again?

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My name is Tahnee and I have been thinking about creating a blog for a while, but what would I write about? I have a wide array of interests, some (cough husband cough) might call me indecisive, I like to say I'm eclectic. But I am indecisive, there really is no question about that. For a woman in my mid to late 30s (grumble), I have only just found what I love to do as a career option within the last couple of years. For 30+ years of my life, I bounced back and forth between different career paths because I just couldn't make up my mind.

Now, as a marketer, I have finally found something I love and enjoy doing because it changes day to day. But, I have found that I wanted to write about what I am passionate about. Enter The Eclectic Ginger. With this blog, I can write about what I am passionate about, in my own "voice".

I am a mother of two boys, a wife for going on 15 years, am an animal lover, and have two dogs. I grew up in Southern California, I love Disneyland and the LA Kings. I moved to East Texas when I was 30 and love it here, I wouldn't change it for the world. I love to write, it gives me a chance to really think about what I want to say instead of thinking of something clever 20 minutes later in the conversation.

I was a travel agent for 10 years and continue to love travel and sharing travel ideas. Working at my last agency I started working on their marketing, combining my love of travel and my love of writing.

I am not a girly girl, but I do love fashion and beauty. But I don't like to pay a lot for my clothes, especially since I work from home, stay at home most of the time, and when I do go out, we don't really go anywhere fancy. But, what the pandemic has taught me is that self-care is incredibly important, and that it is OK to spend some much needed time on yourself. I purchased a lot of things off Amazon throughout the pandemic, so there will be a lot of blogs on that!

I also love to decorate my house. I started before the Pandemic, but if spending all my damn time at home didn't make me want to spruce things up. As I do new projects I will share the DIY-ness of them. Because like I said above, I am cheap and if I can do something myself, I totally will.

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